Desclaimer & Important Notice forVolcano SmartDefi Token


Cryptocurrencies or Virtual Digital Assets are highly volatile and unregulated. Please research yourself before investing in these. Nobody is responsible for your profit or loss. Please go through your respective country's laws before participating or investing in crypto assets. If it is illegal in your country please don't buy or sell. If it is legal you are responsible to pay taxes to government based on your country's tax rules. Happy crypto journey Thank you .

VolcanoSmartDefi is going to launch as a Meme coin but it will continue its journey based on community support and the environment of this space. All the contents mentioned in the whitepaper or website are subject to change based on community feedback and it is a draft version and not a final version. The contents of whitepaper or website or any medium which represents our vision and subject to change from time to time based upon trend.

No promises, No guarantees, and No warranties please invest what you can afford to lose. Thank you and welcome to VolcanoSmartDefi

Important Notice

The Volcano SmartDefi is not intended to constitute a security or similar investment product under any jurisdiction. This document does not constitute an offer or solicitation for investment, and Volcano SmartDefi should not be considered as an investment contract. The Volcano SmartDefi project is committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and participants are urged to comply with the legal requirements of their respective jurisdictions.

By participating in the Volcano SmartDefi project, participants acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with cryptocurrency investments and the potential for losing their investment. The Volcano SmartDefi project disclaims any liability for direct or consequential loss arising from the use of, reliance on, or inability to use the information provided in this document.

It is essential for participants to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions outlined in the official Volcano SmartDefi documentation, including the whitepaper and associated agreements.

Last updated: 09 April, 2024